There is a growing body of evidence supporting the equivalence of endoscopic and open surgical approaches in terms of tumor recurrence

There is a growing body of evidence supporting the equivalence of endoscopic and open surgical approaches in terms of tumor recurrence
A 75-year-old man presented with a left ear lobule melanoma and was found, on examination, to have a concurrent right parotid mass and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. A CT scan of the neck confirmed a 2-cm right superficial parotid mass containing both solid and cystic components without any pathognomonic characteristics, as well as bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy with multiple 2- to 3-cm lymph nodes. FNA biopsy of the parotid mass was consistent with carcinoma, whereas FNA samples from the cervical lymph nodes were non-diagnostic.
Infantile hemangiomas and lymphatic malformations (LM) are vascular anomalies that otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons often encounter in their practices. Infantile hemangiomas and LMs differ from one another in prevalence, etiology, and clinical presentation, but both may be undergoing potential shifts in treatment, depending on research outcomes.
Few medical conditions that otolaryngologists treat possess the breadth of heterogeneity of vascular anomalies. The size of lesions ranges from minute to massive, and the manifestations range from trivial to life-threatening, with the severity of symptoms not always proportional to the size of the lesion.
A leading endoscopic surgeon said that removing complex esthesioneuro blastomas can be achieved using accepted oncological principles, and that the early results appear comparable to outcomes achieved with conventional surgery.
Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) is a relatively new treatment in the United States and is a viable option for several types of head and neck cancer, allowing physicians to target tumors without needing to surgically disassemble the patient, according to the experts interviewed for this article.
Although stereotactic radiation provides a noninvasive approach to treating acoustic neuromas, it also carries the risk of hearing loss over time for a sizable portion of patients, according to experts.
During her presentation at the 2007 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting in San Diego, Dana M. Hartl, MD, PhD, from the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at the Institut Gustave Roussy in France, described her findings from a retrospective, bi-institutional study designed to review the results of a large series of patients with early glottic squamous cell carcinoma treated with curative intent by transoral laser resection.