Clinical Best Practices: Otolaryngologists Tackle Questions
Otolaryngologists answer questions on cochlear implants, HPV vaccination, subglottic stenosis management, and tracheostomy.
Otolaryngologists answer questions on cochlear implants, HPV vaccination, subglottic stenosis management, and tracheostomy.
In the past six months, I’ve detected duplicated images in multiple submitted articles, equating to more than 40% of the articles I reviewed.
Expert physician panelists at the 2022 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting discussed the rise in HPV oropharyngeal cancer, the sometimes vexing management decisions, and the role of HPV vaccines.
Physician experts at the 2022 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting discussed biologic therapy options for pediatrics chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
In our otolaryngologist supply chain, no organizational negative feedback mechanism exists to apply supply controls.
I hope that other surgeons will learn from it and improve their relationships with their patients, their families, and themselves.
Barriers in care access for head and neck cancer patients can be categorized as delays in presentation, referral, and treatment, and insights gained suggest the feasibility and transferability in developing strategies for early detection.
Septorhinoplasty with spreader graft placement with and without upper lateral cartilage release provides clinically and statistically significant improvement.
A look at how procedural therapies compare to other established pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic methods in treating patients with neurogenic cough.
SARS-CoV-2 can infect human inner ear cell types, and this infection may underlie COVID-19–associated problems with hearing and balance.