What are the demographics, presentation, interventions and outcomes of acute supraglottitis in the era following widespread immunization against Haemophilus influenza type b? Background: The overall incidence of acute supraglottitis has decreased […]
Demographic Disparities Exist Among Children with Otitis Media
What are the current racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in the prevalence of frequent ear infections (FEI) among children in the U.S.? Background: There has been an increase in the prevalence of […]

Racial, Ethnic Disparities Found in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis Presenting for Surgery
Are there racial and ethnic disparities in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis presenting for sinus surgery? According to one recent study, the answer is yes. The nasal polyp population consists of a larger portion of nonwhite patients who tend to present with worse disease, and certain subgroups have worse quality-of-life scores.