For revision stapedectomy, can the use of bone cement produce acceptable outcomes in the presence of incus necrosis?

Is There a “Best” Stapedectomy Prosthesis?
Research does not suggest that any one prosthesis design—wire loop, piston, or bucket handle—is better than another in terms of postoperative hearing outcomes

Studies Examine Semicircular Canal Dehiscence, Stapedectomy Prostheses.
Be careful not to be too quick to say that a patient’s problems are due to canal dehiscence.
Residency versus Fellowship in Otolaryngology: What is Practiced and Referred after Graduation?
Two studies presented at recent Triological Society meetings, both of which surveyed former otolaryngology residents about current otolaryngology surgical training and postgraduate practice and referrals, shed light on the direction in which the specialty’s training may need to move.
Is This Patient Operable?
Survey of otologists reveals differences of opinion on treatment, surgery for otosclerosis with vertigo