A provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that places an excise tax on the sale of medical devices would apply to some tools used by otolaryngologists

Health Reform Perks: Employer tax credits could benefit your practice
By now, you’re probably well versed in the clinical aspects of the health reform bill signed by President Obama in March. But what you may not know is that the bill includes a section that could benefit otolaryngologists and other physicians in their role as employers.

Health Reform to Insure 32 Million: Are you ready for them?
The new health system reform law is expected to reduce the number of uninsured Americans by 32 million people, and that means more paying patients for physician practices. Many doctors, however, worry that the law’s lack of Medicare payment reform and medical malpractice caps will exacerbate a looming physician shortage. This raises questions about how successful the law will be in increasing health care access.

Patients, Surgeons May Pay the Price for Cosmetic Surgery Tax
Several states have considered taxing cosmetic surgical procedures, and one has passed legislation requiring a 6% tax on such procedures.