Outpatients with voice and swallowing complaints are often referred to otolaryngologists who diagnose UVFP and may perform injection laryngoplasty under local anesthesia in the office setting.

Outpatients with voice and swallowing complaints are often referred to otolaryngologists who diagnose UVFP and may perform injection laryngoplasty under local anesthesia in the office setting.
We present a modified EPCS/RG that involves the use of balloon dilation to aid in the the placement of the cartilage graft into the divided cricoid lamina.
Nimodipine significantly increased the odds of vocal fold motion and facial recovery after injury.
Experts discuss surgical timing and technique
Otolaryngologists at Triological Combined Sections Meeting recommend procedures, therapeutic approaches for accidental transection, cancer, large vagal paraganglioma
Does oral nimodipine promote recovery from acute vocal fold paralysis (AVFP)