A Dynamic Risk Stratification tool showed that patients with postoperative tall cell variant papillary thyroid cancer who achieve an excellent overall response to therapy at any point during follow-up have significantly improved outcomes.

Qualitative Research Shows How Patients Feel About Quality-of-Life Issues
Qualitative methodology can have tremendous utility in studies directed at patient-centered care by offering practical insights and granular detail directly from patients.
Self-Localization of Symptoms Useful When Evaluating Aural Discomfort
Patients presenting with aural discomfort are commonly encountered in otolaryngology. Part of the challenge in diagnosing these patients is the variability in their descriptions of the location, severity, and quality of aural discomfort.
Age-Related Decline in Arytenoid Sensory Innervation May Be Contributing Factor to Presbyphagia
Study findings document an age-related decline in arytenoid innervation and in myelinated, putative mechanosensory innervation density, which may be a contributing factor to presbyphagia.
Adding Enhanced Measurements to Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy Aids in Distinguishing Central from Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients
Central sleep apnea can be easily mistaken for obstructive sleep apnea; enhancing during drug-induced sleep endoscopy with additional measurements enables sleep surgeons to correlate physiologic and anatomic assessment to distinguish between the two apneas.
Remotely Reported Peak Flow Meter Measurements Demonstrate Disease Progression, Predict Need for Surgery in Patients with Subglottal Stenosis
Peak flow meter measurements can adequately demonstrate disease progression and predict the need for surgery in patients with SGS disease and, together with dyspnea Index (DI) scores, may be a useful tool for remotely following these patients.

How To: Scarless Chondrolaryngoplasty Through Endoscopic Transoral Vestibular Approach
Chondrolaryngoplasty is a procedure designed to reduce a conspicuous laryngeal prominence and feminize the neck.
What Is the Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, and ADHD Medication Rate Among Rhinoplasty Patients?
Rates of prescription medication use for anxiety, depression, and ADHD did not significantly differ between cases and controls in patients undergoing functional or aesthetic rhinoplasty.
Persistent Olfactory Dysfunction Caused by COVID-19 Affects Nearly One-Third of Patient Cohort
COVID-19 produced persistent olfactory dysfunction in 29% of cohort at a one-year follow-up evaluation.
Study Establishes SUVmax Cutoffs to Discriminate Benign and Malignant Lesions in the Palatine Tonsils
Tonsillectomy for patients with IFT displaying SUVmax >9.0, ratio >1.5, or symptoms or findings suggesting malignancy is recommended.
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