Patients with head and neck cancer enrolled in randomized clinical trials evaluating interventions to improve outcome are much younger and have a very good performance status compared to patients seen in clinical practice, […]

Patients with head and neck cancer enrolled in randomized clinical trials evaluating interventions to improve outcome are much younger and have a very good performance status compared to patients seen in clinical practice, […]
A study published in July 2021 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has shown that the overall survival (OS) in patients who had previously treated esophageal cancer improved significantly with the […]
Dr. Meanna encouraged surgical oncologists not to change their management without level-1 evidence from clinical trials.
Sex bias in clinical trials remains prevalent in all medical disciplines and physicians want researchers to ensure that they strive for equal representation
of both sexes in all trials.
Poor quality control and reproducibility have led to a decline in public trust, funding, and new researchers
Investigators from around the country presented their findings at the 120th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society
Investigators from around the country presented their findings at the 120th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society