Counseling Patients on Safe Nasal Irrigation
What a rare amoeba infection means for rhinology patient.
What a rare amoeba infection means for rhinology patient.
While use of artificial intelligence in otolaryngology is in its infancy, the benefits of employing these technologies show great promise.
A look at the results of a study on the presenting acute symptoms of the 25 American diplomates and family members following exposure to an as yet unknown source while serving in their embassy roles in Havana starting in 2016.
Recommendations for preoperative education, nutritional care, antibiotic stewardship, fluid management, pain management, and postoperative care for head and neck cancer surgery.
In this era of accused #FakeNews and political bullying of the media, many people have become cynical to what is reported in mainstream news.
Dr. Taffet, a practicing otolaryngologist at the Phoenix Sinus Center in Arizona, discusses how the art of skydiving has helped him relieve stress.
The Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 addresses the opioid crisis and is critical to understand the law and what it may mean for your healthcare facility in the future to remain legally compliant.
Topical epinephrine is generally safe for use in endoscopic sinus surgery, with caution in adult patients with cardiovascular comorbidities.
Patients in both the general (noncancer) and HPV-OPC populations may enquire whether they should avoid open-mouth kissing to prevent either acquiring or transmitting oral HPV infection.
Patients with long-term symptom duration reported the greatest mean postoperative quality of life improvement.
Older age is independently associated with the development of voice or swallowing changes after thyroidectomy.
Pain and disability induced by poor ergonomics are widespread among the otolaryngology community, and surgeons rarely receive ergonomic training in the surgical context.
A look at how the effects of midazolam, propofol, and dexmedetomidine compare on drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) findings.