New but limited data have emerged suggesting that oral steroids with olfactory training may be a safe and effective treatment for loss of smell due to COVID-19.

New but limited data have emerged suggesting that oral steroids with olfactory training may be a safe and effective treatment for loss of smell due to COVID-19.
Will there be a lost generation of otolaryngology residents, learners, and junior-to-mid-career attendings?
Significant aerosol levels were generated during cadaveric simulation of mastoidectomy, and aerosol spikes were appreciated during cochlear implantation in live patients.
For this month’s “From the Editor,” I wanted to show how committed ENTtoday’s board members and colleagues are to receiving the vaccine.
Podcasts were a popular format before this year, but COVID-19 created a greater need for online medical education resources.
If the COVID-19 pandemic ended tomorrow, here’s what my hope would be for 2021.