Barriers to accessing hearing healthcare included denial of the problem, inconvenience, lack of support from family, and financial means

Is Cochlear Implantation Safe and Effective in the Elderly?
Current data supports a high level of perioperative and long-term safety for elderly patients undergoing CI

Education, Training Needed for Managing Geriatric Otolaryngology Patients
It is rare that students and residents are exposed to a dedicated geriatric educational experience
Frailty: Tough to Define
Physicians differ on how to characterize this state of reduced physiological capacity

Frailty, Not Age, May Predict Head–Neck Surgery Outcomes
Otolaryngologists are increasingly using frailty index to assess whether patients can withstand surgery for obstructive sleep apnea, head-and-neck procedures
COSM14: Sleep Disturbances Not To Be Overlooked in Elderly Otolaryngology Patients
Experts discuss benefits, risks of surgery for sleep apnea in older patients

Cochlear Implants Effective in Older Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss
SM13: Care of the Geriatric Otolaryngology Patient
Panelists at the Triological Society’s 2013 Combined Sections Meeting present three difficult cases.

SM13: Geriatric Patient Boom Expected to Put Strain on Otolaryngologists
A huge challenge facing otolaryngologists is the shortage of ENT specialists trained in treating geriatric patient issues as our elderly popuation grows, physicians said at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. last January