Weaning Patients Off of PPIs
Long-term, high-dose PPI use may cause complications in some patients, but the weaning process may cause physicians headaches
Long-term, high-dose PPI use may cause complications in some patients, but the weaning process may cause physicians headaches
Restrictive covenants in employee agreements can prevent your ideas and information from being taken by an employee to a competitor’s practice
Radiosurgical treatment of vestibular schwannomas is safe and effective
Clinical studies suggest that adjunctive MMC application may delay but not prevent recurrence of airway stenosis
There is no body of evidence to suggest that there is an optimal location for placing tympanostomy tubes, yet the anterior-inferior quadrant is commonly used
Current data supports a high level of perioperative and long-term safety for elderly patients undergoing CI
Can a more comprehensive treatment plan be based on a growth curve of the pyriform aperture for patients with congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS)? Bottom Line The growth curve […]
The clinical prediction model created for this study was found to be useful in identifying pediatric patients at high-risk for OSA among those with sleep disturbances
Intranasal volume is larger in males than in females in the same age group, but is not related to body mass index
The addition of NBI to conventional white light imaging improves inter- and intraobserver agreement for diagnosing (pre)malignant lesions in the larynx, hypopharynx, and oropharynx
Patients with an unexplained, asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss are significantly more likely to have an abnormal MRI scan
Objective data supporting improved Eustachian tube function from nasal decongestants is lacking