Your online reputation should be as exceptional as your clinical skills.

Your online reputation should be as exceptional as your clinical skills.
Adjusting to the new nationwide emphasis on value-based medicine is proving to be a lengthy—and painful—ordeal, but physician leaders offered guidance at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting
Patient satisfaction accounts for 30% of CMS value-based purchasing model for hospital reimbursement
Panelists offer tips for dealing with accountable care organizations, hiring mid-level providers, raising patient satisfaction scores, coding and billing changes, and supporting maintenance of certification efforts at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Miami Beach, Fla. in January
Panel discussions and keynote speeches stress importance of education, mentorship for medical trainees, and physician role in healthcare costs at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Miami Beach, Fla. in January
Analysts predict the influx of insured patients that are expected to flood the healthcare system will likely shrink physician reimbursements, cause some otolaryngologists to flock to larger healthcare systems or limit access to patients with private insurance plans, and exacerbate the shortage of specialists
As otolarngology practices earn more income from meeting quality measures and patient satisfaction goals, dividing money among staffers becomes an increasingly important consideration
How doctors can detect, defuse, and prevent patient anger against themselves and their employees
When it comes to receiving gifts from patients, otolaryngologists and other doctors walk a fine moral line
Patients who feel their physicians are empathetic have better medical outcomes, and are more likely to adhere to treatment recommendations for preventive tests, such as mammograms and colonoscopies