Balloon catheter sinuplasty appears safe for use among pediatric patients with chronic recurrent sinusitis

Balloon catheter sinuplasty appears safe for use among pediatric patients with chronic recurrent sinusitis
Partial tonsillectomy is equivalent to total tonsillectomy for the treatment of obstructive symptoms in children; however the outcomes are not standardized and many studies are limited
Computed tomography (CT) may be a better initial choice, but a dual approach is useful for a patient who may be a candidate for cochlear implant
Cartilage grafting has comparable postoperative hearing results to traditional fascia grafting in pediatric patients, as well as improvement in long-term closure of the tympanic membrane
Diagnosing the cause of speech delays in small children early can help some patients better benefit from therapy, otolaryngology experts said at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. last January