Plan needed to reposition centers to be economically viable in new third-party payer and regulatory climates

Plan needed to reposition centers to be economically viable in new third-party payer and regulatory climates
Transnasal balloon catheter dilation of eustachian tube relieves ear pressure; fat graft myringoplasty highly successful in certain tympanic membrane perforations; molecular testing may improve differentiated thyroid cancer diagnoses; polysomnography widely used in pediatrics, but not up to practice guidelines; length of intubation, number of sedation doses affect subglottic stenosis risk in children; little difference between tetracaine and lidocaine for nasal endoscopy
Before determining the need for tonsillectomy, it is highly beneficial to refer children with sleep-disordered breathing for polysomnography (PSG)
Awards for the best Triological theses this year went to three researchers, including two co-Mosher Award winners and a Fowler award winner. The awards were given here at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society on April 20, held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Recent publication of practice parameters for surgery in adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has set off another round of debate on the need for otolaryngologists to get involved in generating their own guidelines. Although otolaryngologists have yet to agree on whether or not the time is right for guidelines on surgical treatment for sleep apnea, consensus can be claimed regarding the need perceived by the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) to get on the evidence-based bandwagon.
More is being learned about sleep and how it relates to otolaryngology. At the recent Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting, attendees heard details about how the different stages of sleep affect obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), as well as intriguing findings showing how airway anatomy changes can actually be seen during sleep with use of real-time CT imaging.
Individuals identified with sleep apnea appear to have a different pattern of deglutition when they are sleeping than do healthy subjects, say researchers who specialize in swallowing studies.
Snoring is a common complaint of patients (and their spouses) treated by otolaryngologists.
On November 15, Pell Ann Wardrop, MD, walked into a testing center, where she sat down at a computer and took an exam.